Saturday, March 6, 2010

Is this a vacation?

Because Sue and I have awesome jobs/supervisors, for the last 8 days all we have had to worry about is Ella. People keep asking if we have enough sick hours. That hasn't been an issue with Cooper Village or Grace. They both just told us to go and not come back until we had our daughter. I have had some great co-workers willingly taking my classes over until after spring break. Okay, so I get up in the morning and do a little work (make and e-mail lessons), but I am usually done by 9:00. Which, by the way, is an hour before Ella gets up. She sleeps from 10-10. Yes, we will be changing that once we return to Omaha.
We have now had Ella for 48 hours and loved every second of it. It does feel like a vacation. Get up, play with Ella, have family "meals", play with Ella, wait for her to wake up from a nap, eat, play, go to bed. FUN, FUN, FUN. Yesterday was really fun/funny to watch her interact with Sue. Ella wanted to play with moma while mom was trying to get ready. Finally after 1.5 hours Sue was ready. I promise it does not normally take Sue that long, although it might now :) Today I took her on a walk so mommy could get ready faster. We had a good conversaton, but nothing to deep. Tomorrow I may talk about the six day creation or trickle-down economics. Any votes?


  1. Sounds like a normal day to me...WELCOME TO PARENTHOOD...the most amazing job you will ever have!!!

  2. 6-day creation. :) Sue, I can totally relate to the 1.5 hrs. to get ready! That made me laugh!
